1. When microorganisms from feces adhere to your hands and fingers...
It is known that microorganisms attached to the hands and fingers during defecation can cause intestinal infections when they enter the mouths of other humans via food or environment. Various intestinal infections such as norovirus gastroenteritis, enterohemorrhagic E. coli infection, dysentery, cholera, and hepatitis A may occur.
For example, a food handler with subclinical norovirus infection (infected but asymptomatic) spread the norovirus when inspecting bread and as a result, many as 1,271 students who ate the school lunch bread developed norovirus gastroenteritis (Illustration 1.).
Illustration 1.Insufficient Hand Washing after Defecation Caused 1,271 Cases of
Norovirus Gastroenteritis.

In regards to the number of sheets of toilet paper, it is understood that most people on average wipe with four layers of toilet paper after defecation (Graph 1. Illustration 2.).
Click + for Graph 1.
Graph 1. Number of layers of toilet paper used to wipe buttocks
(Japan Sanitary Equipment Industry Association)
[Total of men and women, total users and non-users of bidet toilets,
single and double total, n=1,748]

Illustration 2. 4 Layers of toilet paper

However, microorganisms in feces can easily pass through four layers of folded toilet paper. This is because even with four layers, there are many porous openings that are about 100 times the size of bacteria (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Microscope photo of 4 layers of toilet paper (35x)
There are many porous openings about the size of 0.1mm in diameter
(about 100 times the size of bacteria).